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Enrichment Programs &
Field Trips

Our enrichment program offerings provide our students the opportunity to learn through experience. Twice a month, we have a special guest come teach a lesson in their area of expertise. These have included, but are not limited to, yoga, science, music, dance, art, culinary, agriculture and more!
We currently have a hydroponic garden in our classroom, allowing the children to plant seeds, watch them grow and then pick and eat their harvest. We’ve also had the opportunity to learn some dance moves, experience some hands on music lessons, "cook" our own granola bars in the kitchen, experience baby chicks hatching from eggs after watching them in an incubator for weeks, plus practiced some gymnastics and tumbling (many experiences made possible by our wonderful families sharing their skill set with our students!)
We also take advance of our centrally located school location and often take walking field trips to the Public Library, Clark Park, the Fire and Police Departments and to Carpenter Elementary School for the Memorial Day Program. We also try to plan bigger field trips to local farms, museums and science centers multiple times a year!
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